Best Wishes and Thoughts Shared
We can't believe all the effort and energy going into this by our wonderful kids and their spouses. It reminds us of this story we heard once. There was a little girl who had a bad habit of not eating her food, but the rule of the house was that you had to eat what was served. One evening, prunes were served for dessert. The child was given two prunes, which had to be eaten. But, the little girl just could not force herself to eat them, so she was sent to her room early with the bowl of two prunes to sit and think about eating them before saying her prayers and going to bed. While she sat at her window thinking and looking at those two prunes, a terrific lightning and thunder storm passed by. The loud crashes and lightning bolts were very terrifying. After the storm passed, she sighed and looked up, as if talking to God, and exclaimed, "I just can't understand why you're making such a big fuss over two wrinkled old prunes." Robin and Ruth Moore
I LOVE YOU TOO (Reflections on over 50 years) By Ruth Moore Whatever your opinion may be of Robin Moore, the fact is: he is a very good man. I have been graced (unmeritedly favored) to be his love for his lifetime. If the old saying is true, "The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother," then he is the best father for he has loved me unconditionally for our whole life together. I chose I LOVE YOU TOO as the title for this praise note because it so clearly defines my life. I am rarely ever able to say "I love you" to Robin because he says "I love you" first. Then I have to respond with "I love you too." What a blessing. As a further blessing, I have received unconditional love from all of my offspring. I know how far back this love goes. It started at the beginning. In the beginning was God and God is love. My mother exhibited this unconditional love for me, and my greatest joy as a mother, grandmother, and great grandmother is to see this love in you. This legacy of love is your gift to me, letting love begin again each generation. Psalms 16:6-11 "The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places. Indeed my heritage is beautiful to me...Because God is at my right hand, my heart is glad. In his presence is the fullness of joy and pleasures forevermore."
Ruth had to explain the prune story to me. I don’t know any old prunes. Do appreciate all the work our great kids are putting into the celebration of our 50 th. Ruth is wonderful. She meets and exceeds all of the Proverbial qualifications of a virtuous woman. Our “song” has always been Star Dust . I have taken the liberty of modifying the words to fit the upcoming occasion. I had planned to surprise Ruth on our anniversary day and sing it to her with my lyrics. Maybe this is a good place to surprise her with the words. She will have to wait till September for the vocal and maybe a little trumpet too. Maybe you’ll hear it too! - Robin Moore
And now the too soon dusk of our life time,
steals across the meadows of my heart.
High up in the sky the little stars climb,
always reminding me that we’re still one.
We wander down the lane still holding hands,
leaving me a song that will not die.
Love is still the star dust of every day,
the music of the days we share.
Sometimes I wonder why we’ve been so blessed in life,
living out our dreams.
The symphony haunts my reverie,
thank God that I’m still holding you.
Yes our love’s still new; and each kiss an inspiration.
And, as I think of you, yes, my adoration, is in the star dust of this song.
Where ever we have been the stars were bright, you were in my arms!
The whippoorwill tells our fairy tale,
of where we’ve been and what we’ve done.
In my heart I know, you will always be my love
this star dust melody, the memory of our true love.
Oh yes, I’ll always love you.
Fond Memories by: Laura Moore Wiley Words cannot adequately express my feelings for you. I am thankful for Godly parents and I honor you not as a commandment (Exodus 20:12) but, as a way of life because of your influence on my values, principles and determination. You didn't just teach me what you believed but, you lived it and traveled the same path yourselves. Daddy, I have often described your life to others as "consistent". You taught me to use the Bible as a guide for my life, seek Jesus, have faith in God and that it is important not to change in my steadfastness in good times or bad times but, to seek to do the will of God in my life. Moma, "love" is the word that best describes your life. Many times you have referrred to first experiencing unconditional love from your mother, likewise, you have demonstrated to me and others a love that is measureless and strong that will forever endure. Moma and Daddy, I use the word 'content" to describe your life of 50 years together. Your life is a manifestation of God's love to the world. You do not change in your relationships with each other or your family. The older I get I realize there may be nothing stronger and more useful for life in later years than good memories, especially connected with home. I commit to sharing our history with each new generation (my children and grandchildren) so they will be able to tell their children about the foundation of our lives. Thank you, Moma and Daddy for building the foundation of our lives with Jesus as the cornerstone. I love you both more than words can express. Laura
Marking a fifty-year anniversary of anything often predisposes us to think of time as something that marches forward from start to finish. Yet in my parents’ journey I see instead lessons that speak more strongly to me about what I describe as the “circle of life.” By this I mean that so many things in human experience are repeated from generation to generation, not in the way of “history repeating itself,” but in the fact that the phrase “… if you do that one more time, I am going to pull this car over and …” has surely been uttered by every young parent from time immemorial (indeed, even in early native cultures such notions existed; for instance Navajo children long ago were told that the spider woman would eat “bad” children, reinforcing to me the common parental sentiment that “bad” children should most certainly be eaten!).
Thus, a son leaves Louisiana his “father’s son” but returns from California a liberal, yet grows to live in the western US with the same conservative family values as his parents. Or the son shakes his head as his daughter excitedly relates her latest “discoveries” from the university, the same “discoveries” he himself has been teaching at the university for over 20 years, but then smiles as he remembers 30 years in the past, excitedly telling his father about the great thing he learned at school called dimensionless analysis, and his dad responding, “I’ve been trying to show you that for months!” Or the son stays up until the wee hours waiting for his children to return home from their adventures, tired and frustrated, wanting to be in bed, but remembers always knowing his mother was up and waiting when he and his siblings were out late with their own adventures, willing to stay up even later to console and counsel when those adventures were misadventures.
What goes around comes around, as they say. Indeed. And it is exactly this point in which I find comfort and where the complementary example of my parents has taught and encouraged me. For the circle of life is a moving circle, with a thread connecting each generation to the next. But the thread has two strands: a yin (passive, female force) that connects the present with the past while preparing the way for the present to connect to the future, and a yang (active, male force) that works in the present to define, build, and inspire the future.
For me, my parents together are of course the thread connecting the past to the present to the future. They are complementary, each providing what the other cannot. Momma has been my feminine teacher, showing me that compassion, grace, kindness, quiet reverence, and long-suffering forbearance are right and honorable. As the preserver of memories, she has taught me where I came from. As the supreme selfless hostess, she is also the maker of memories, giving me a base that can be used to tell my children where they came from. In this way Momma is truly The Giver, to steal the title and meaning from a popular children’s book. She gives us our meaning, by reminding us of the memories of our past and enabling the environment that creates our memories of the present that will be told again in the future. The other strand of the thread, Daddy has been my masculine teacher, one whose lessons I have come to admire more as I age. He has lived and taught the example of a builder and problem solver – a builder of houses and homes, a builder of organizations, a builder of choirs and musical groups, a builder of communities. His “man of action” example has taught me a work ethic that has stood me well over time. Daddy is the epitome of the hero protagonist in several of Ayn Rand’s popular novels such as Atlas Shrugged or The Fountainhead – in his life he has shown how force of will, unflagging enthusiasm and optimism, and persevering in the present life leads to tangible results that make the future possible.
Society changes over time and not all hopes and dreams are realized. Yet for me the wheel keeps on turning in the circle of life, connecting past to present to future through the pragmatic power of Daddy’s efforts to build a future for those to come, completed by the complementary spiritual force of Momma’s connection to where we came from, which informs who we are today and defines the meaning of our future. Without Momma and Daddy’s examples through these years, the thread is broken. But, they have been good stewards of the thread. And, though our paths and our points of view have been different than our parents, Tammy and I have tried to follow their example, to be good stewards of the thread, and I know many others have been similarly inspired. So, though societies change and not all hopes and dreams are realized, I am optimistic about the future, because of my parents, whom I love dearly for all they have done for me and for all they have taught me.
- Kevin L. Moore
4/26/07 - Diane Linn Moore Hartlerode I have always described my Dad as a Spiritual Giant. I am so impressed by his relationship with God. My Dad's standards are high, but he loves us unconditionally, forgives us, and lets us go with trust and freedom of choice. I have always said that my Mom is the most giving and loving person I have ever known. She truly loves unconditionally! And, with all she does for everyone else she takes care of herself, her home, and her family. She is the most beautiful person inside and out - and she is always so organized! I couldn't have asked for better parents or for better grandparents for my kids. I get so excited when I see some of my Dad and Mom's fine characteristics show in my children. I thank God for blessing my family and me. Throughout my Dad and Mom's 50 years together they've touched so many lives. I look forward to this Anniversary Celebration and hope that as many of you as possible can come to share in it. Peace!
I don't know if I'll be able to attend your 50th anniversary celebration, but I definitely want to express my heartfelt gratitude for all the hard work that both of you did for me throughout my teenage years. God used both of you, along with my parents, to teach me important life lessons that I still strive to follow today. You never coddled us and always expected us to mind you when you were in charge. Before joining the One Way Singers, I never dreamed that I'd see most of the fifty states, Mexico, and Canada, including the Grand Canyon and Niagara Falls. I thought that I'd only learn about those places in school. I learned something about sacrificing, caring for others, and appreciating the comforts of home when you took me to the Papago Indian Reservation, where we had no indoor plumbing, no running water, etc. Even though we did without conveniences, we discovered that God gives us the strength to serve Him, even when we spend time in difficult circumstances. I know that I continue to benefit because you were living examples of Christian character, love, and strength. God gave me lots of spiritual guidance through you when I really needed it. You deserve only the best Golden Anniversary celebration. God bless you! Jackie Bankston Manning
50th wedding anniversary!? Good grief ya’ll are old! Why don’t you look it? Why don’t you act it? It ‘s just that much more to put on the pile of things for which we must admire you both. Be warned, Robin, that we think Brett sees this celebration as his chance to compete favorably with you. He is working hard at getting in shape, though we fear he will still be disappointed with the outcome of any competition. There are so many things that you have given us and our Family for which we feel we must thank you. God knows our children would not have seen much more than South Louisiana if not for you. We are also grateful that, though most of you have moved far away, we still have a piece of you in Laura. She is such a joy and such a joy to worship with. You have helped instilled organization, discipline, and commitment in our family. The sum of what you have done for us, and all who know you well, is that you have modeled the paradox of the freedom to do what you want by being committed to doing what is right. You are not bound by selfishness, mistrust, jealousy, envy, or greed but being committed to each other, your family, your work, your friends, your God and his kingdom has freed you to do the things you want to do. The things that seem impossible to us. The things that make that pile so huge. The Crows are so blessed and honored to continue to experience your leadership and friendship. Thank you, Janet & Kenny Crow
Fiftieth Anniversaries are such a milestone! (My neighbors who recently celebrated their 50th told me—“Richard- divorce was never an option- though murder may be!”) For those who invest their lives in the lives of others as Robin and Ruth have-- it says even more (a miracle) as time invested in Choir, music, scouts et al took away from the marriage time. Perhaps such commitments helped in some small way to have some accountability to those that follow your life’s work that we call a marriage. As Cathy and I celebrate our 25th this year, it’s great to know those who have been together for 50. Kevin and Laura have aptly related how as parents, Robin and Ruth have impacted their lives. Perhaps I can share how they impacted mine. When Presidential wannabe Hillary Clinton came out with her book "It takes a Village to raise a child", I could not agree less. For me, it takes a church, and the people therein, to raise a child is the best view. I don't want the influence of the village, but the safety, the values, the love and the reflection of God's character shown by His people in fellowship with each other at His House as I now raise my children. Robin and Ruth provided essential examples of these character traits that I have held on to, (grasped) my whole life. These dear people and others helped mold me and my heart has nothing but fondness for them and the village of Hebron. What I’ve missed of course now is the near 30 years of being away from their influence- but following them vicariously as we keep up with each other through friends and family. I can’t think of a better thing to do this year than to celebrate in these two and how their lives have been one with each other and their willingness to share each other with their village(s). I hope to see you all there…. Richard Gary
Its funny, I’ve been contacted by several high school friends regarding our 15 year high school reunion in June and my immediate response is, “Are you going to Bro Robin and Mrs. Ruth’s 50 year anniversary celebration?”, as I refer them to As I’ve said before, Holleigh and I both agree that no one couple, out side of our parents, has impacted our lives more than you, AreMores. Bro. Robin I will admit, as Dad stated above that in addition to rehabbing my knee and just wanting to be a better steward of the health the Lord has given me, beating you back to the house on a run would be an added bonus, even if you are more than twice my age. You still motivate us to be better, to push hard, to Glorify God. I see that in Holleigh as she gets a charge in pushing her fourth graders in a hike she leads them on each year. Sometimes we have to paddle up stream in this world of indifference as you taught us. A lesson learned on the Buffalo River we’ve failed to forget. We’ve learned love and patience from Mrs. Ruth, with added emphasis on patience. All has been for one goal. That is what we see in you, God Glorified. We’ve seen you up on that Mountain. God was glorified. We’ve seen you in what many would think the direst circumstances. Still God is glorified. 50 Years-God glorified! Our only regret is, who is going to be the Bro Robin and Mrs. Ruth to our kids? That makes us want to be better, to be more like you, more like Christ. We want God to be glorified. We are thankful for our sister Laura and now our brother Jerome, their stewardship, leadership, and friendship. Laura and Jerome inspire us with their faith. Oh, and most importantly, through them God is Glorified. We are thankful for the tie that gives us the opportunity to see you occasionally, for being part of the family of which we are all adopted. We love you and look forward to this time of celebration. – The Younger Crows – Brett, Holleigh, Trent, & Vance
Dearest Robin and Ruth, You know how much FCC of Harrison loves you. Both of you have been and continue to be a source of inspiration to all of us. What a wonderful place this world would be if we had more Robins and Ruths. Love in Christ, Randy and Sarah Newman
Fifty years done right. Fifty years done right Many lives you've changed through love Many more years come For a long time now I have put off posting anything here. I think that the main reason it has taken me so long to do so is that I have not been able to find a way to accurately describe what my parents mean to me. Sure, a quick haiku would be enough to satisfy everyone that I had done my part and posted a little tid bit of info, but I realized that that would just not do. I obsessed for a long time about what to say. Ultimately I have realized that the type of people that my parents are cannot be characterized by words usually used to describe relationships today. Their love for one another is uncanny and inspiring in a world where so many relationships go wrong. The ties they have built over the years with others are another remarkable thing. Living with them, and being raised by them has truly been an honor. There are not many things that I remember from my childhood. Perhaps I am losing my memory too soon. One thing that stands out clearly though is the environment of love that surrounded me. The saying goes “actions speak louder than words” and my Mom and Dad always made sure that we knew we were loved. One day in school a teacher asked the class how many children had parents that told them that they loved them. I told my teacher that my Dad never said he loved me. I was worried! Somehow my Mom got involved and taught me that words are just that – words. As I think back over the following years I cannot even count all the things that my parents did to show me that I was loved, without ever having to hear it. I never knew what all those things amounted to until later. So many late- night training bike rides out on the highway with my Dad or Mom following me in the car. A home cooked meal on the table every mealtime. A clean home, trips on the buffalo river, never having to do my own laundry; these among so many others created such a safe place to grow up. I never felt as if I was misunderstood or extremely discontent. How could I when surrounded by such unconditional love. Each morning I remember my parents kissing each other good bye and telling one another “I love you” as we departed for the day’s activities. This kiss was always present, as was love in our home. The number of people that my parents have interacted with over the years always amazes me. I can barely fit in the occasional phone call to my circle of friends, and they have maintained lifelong connections with people that run very deep. In whatever they are involved with they seem to continually build relationships that are meaningful. Be it the church, school, boy scouts, choirs, youth groups, or co-workers they impact the lives of others. They still remember so many details of these ties too. So and so did this on such and such a trip. I can’t imagine keeping all those things straight in my mind. It makes me tired just thinking about it. I grew up in a different time than my older siblings. In many ways I was lucky. I think our family was less busy when I was growing up, since we lived out on the Mountain there were less distractions. For many years I had the undivided attention of my Mother as she taught me at home. For this I am forever grateful, it was a blessing that I am sure I can never fully appreciate. Working in the woods with my father is a time that I will always be able to look back on and say “there is where I learned the value of hard work”. I think I had more freedom than my brothers and sisters before me. With that freedom came responsibility. When I was 14 I got my “hardship” drivers license. I remember thinking how cool it was that I was in Junior High and could drive the 30 miles into town to school. The next moment I was petrified at the prospect of driving my Grandmother in to town to do errands. What if something were to happen? I couldn’t possibly crash because I was responsible for getting Grandma Clarice into town. As I got a bit older I began to notice more my parent’s spiritual side. I had always been aware of the church and the role that it played in our lives. It was the place that I went on Sundays to see my friends and read funny stories about people that lived long ago. As I became more aware of the true depth of my parents spiritual foundation I developed a sense that this was a rock upon which our entire family was built. Their quiet example showed me how much more important walking the walk is than talking the talk. To this day I have still not met any one person who I feel is as spiritually centered as my Father and Mother are. I use their example daily as a means to seek clarity and peace in all that I do. Following their example in prayer has helped keep me calm through anything that life has thus far thrown my way. Enough is enough. I think I could go on for days and not touch on all the ways that I have been impacted by my parents. Fifty years now; and so many things done together in love. As I anticipate my move back to AR I am looking forward to spending more time with my parents. I strive to live with the same dedication as they have demonstrated over all the 50 years. Thank You Mom and Dad Branton Moore
Oh my, I can't believe how time has flown and how years have passed. As I sit and think of my own parents and when we celebrated their 50 years the love that has been taught to me was not only taught by my them but from the two of you also. You gave so much to the youth of Hebron that no one else could ever replace that; as hard as some may have tried. Oh they have been some that have come very very close. But you, Mr. Robin and Mrs. Ruth, showed me what a true 'unconditional' love for Christ is all about. It's a type of love that keeps on giving no matter what the circumstance may be. As many others, who feel the same as I do, I give thanks each and every day for the loving friendship that you so graciously gave, for the lessons that you taught with all your heart, for the CHRIST like example that you strived with the hardest to set for us each and every day; and for being there at any hour of the day that one of us felt we just needed to talk. My prayer is that there will be as many more years that we can continue to learn from your teachings and examples of what life and GOD has to offer each and every one. May the strenght of your heavenly given marriage be a grand portion of each of our foundations as we attempt to follow what you have taught us through the years. Thank you and May God continue to bless the days that lay ahead for the two of you and your family. God's Love be to each - Johnette 'Thompson' Childers
As you well know, each of you having spent much time in prayer on the subject of my acceptance, I have recently begun medical school. Nothing I did as an undergraduate could have prepared me for what I am up against in medical school. In the last few weeks I have felt inadequate, illprepared, insignificant, overwhelmed, alone, exhausted, unsure, and just plain scared. No matter how supportive my family and friends were in conversation, I just don’t feel like anyone really understands what I’m experiencing. Since moving to Little Rock I have gotten involved in the singles ministry a local church as well as a girls bible study through the Christian Medical Association. Just as I was beginning to experience all of the previously mentioned negative feelings, I began to really feel God’s presence in my life. Several times in the last few days, the words from Matthew 6 have come up in a bible study or a sermon. These verses encourage us not to worry. Matthew 6:33 and 34 read “Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself.” I am coming to realize that I can’t depend on myself or anyone else, other than God to get me though this time. He is indeed my refuge. I can’t describe how much peace those verses in Matthew have given me thus far and will continue to provide in the weeks, months, and years ahead. Each time I hear those words, I am reminded of the fact that Matthew 6:33 is Grandpa’s favorite verse in the Bible. It is evident that over the past 50 years of marriage your lives have been a testament of that verse. In everything you do, you seek God’s guidance first and foremost. I am so thankful for the spiritual example that you have been and continue to be. I am very much looking forward to returning home to celebrate your anniversary. Love, Heather Hartlerode
We would like to thank you both for all that you have meant to our family and to praise God for blessing you and your family for "50" years. This is a milestone that not many achieve anymore. We have so many memories of times that you touched our lives and the lives of others but some stand out above the rest. Many times when we would face challenges in life, Brent would recall the time when he helped Robin cut through a wooded thicket for a fence to be built. It seemed an impossible task for the day but Robin saw a clear path and worked tirelessly to completion. Robin approaches everything he has ever done with the same strength and direction. I remember one Sunday night when Bro. Lucas was having a dedication prayer for a van that Hebron had purchased for the Indian reservation in Arizona, another area of the world Robin touched. He asked us to stand and turn toward the van parked in the front of the Church for prayer. Just at that exact moment, Ruth came in the door and remarked "Robin said if I came in a little late no one would notice." But Ruth I think that if you hadn't been there all along we all would have noticed and we would have missed the blessing of knowing you. I compare Ruth's support of Robin like that seen on the Mississippi River Bridge that we cross often. We notice the greatness and importance of the bridge but we should not forget the support holding up the integrity of the super structure. Lastly Ruth, you had a profound effect on our lives with something you told me when my children were young. The age of "quality time" with your children not "quantity time" was all the rage in the 1980's. Ruth remarked to me that parents should always remember that when a great film producer creates an award winning film, viewers watch in amazment at his product for about 2 hrs. in its entirety. She told us that what was not seen by the average viewer was the miles and miles of footage that was laying on the cutting room floor. It took lots and lots of time to get it right. Parenting also takes lots and lots of time. Your viewers will only see the child with the outtakes removed. They may never know the importance of all the extra retakes you did in order to get the right outcome. For these pearls of wisdom, I thank you. My children's lives have been blessed by these thoughts as I often reflect on the importance of being a parent that takes the time needed to be there for them and to teach them to follow Christ. Thank you both again for giving so selflessly to all of us and for serving Christ in all that you do. Brent and Lisa Watson
Robin and Ruth, Shirley and I may not be at your 50th anniversary celebration but we are grateful you invited us and your church to be with you and your family. You have been a wonderful blessing to us and Boxley Baptist Church since you decided to join us here in serving our LORD JESUS CHRIST. It is one of the highest honors in life to reach the goal of 50 years together in marriage and thus you join others here at BBC in setting a high, noble and good standard for marriage to our younger couples. Your lives have become wonderful role models for our youth and young adults as well as for all of us. Thank you for your generosity and gracious display of your love for CHRIST and for others, especially to Shirley and myself. We have throughly enjoyed the times we have been at your home and the other times together with you. You have made a significance positive difference in our lives at Boxley. We wish you many more good years together and pray that God will give you health and prosperity for the rest of your lives. God bless you!! Love, Claud and Shirley Williams
Congratulations on your 50 year anniversary. You were very special to Frances and me while attending the U of A and University Baptist Church forty-five plus years ago. I admired your dedication and Robin's brick handy work at the church. He seemed to be able to do most anything. The young married couples class was very special to us then and your continued contact with us over the years. It was a highlight of Frances's life to have you and the Wrights visit shortly before her going to be with the Lord. I look forward to seeing you on September 2nd. Claude Langham
Robin and Ruth, You have been our dear and trusted friends ever since we were living in Fayetteville while Dennis and Robin were students at the University in the early 1960s. Remember all those Sunday evenings when our young married study group would go to one another’s homes for fun and refreshments? We let the little ones (including Darick and Kevin) play together in the next room. Since we had no extending family near, you were a comfort to me as a young mother. Robin, I remember when you and Dennis were ordained as deacons in University Baptist Church, and when you served as usher you usually wore tennis shoes. We didn’t have much money and were doing the best we could! We stayed in touch with you through various moves. We visited you at Fort Huachuca during your Army days and you came to see us in Casa Grande. We went camping in the desert together. Then remember when you were “loaned out” to a company and moved north? You built a new house and its color scheme was orange and blue? Or was it green? Then in Denham Springs, we visited in your first home on our way east for a long historical trip. You fed us a wonderful southern dinner, complete with fried ochra. A first for 6-year-old Darick! Over the years when you lived in Denham Springs, we made several visits, including a stay in the house you built with a “walk way” across the top of the living room. Robin, you invited me to come do a couple of sessions on sex education through the church and we had a good group of folks to turn out! You were certainly a progressive thinker at the time. Ruth, you and Laura fried a huge batch of crawdads for a youth meeting at her house at that time. Wow! Then you bought the section of land near Jasper, AR and we met you and a Louisiana couple to have a look at your new location and camp for a couple of days there. And after you built your big, open, spacious house up there we visited several times. The two of you also came to visit in our rustic home in Bethesda. So, one of my major memories of you is the very creative house-building you have done. But more important to me is our 40 plus years of having you as dear, dear friends. So, dear that both of us as couples chose to write up our wishes to have one another serve as guardians of our children, in case of our deaths before they were grown. I know to this day that Darick and Tanya would have thrived in your care. You did have an opportunity to open your mountain house to Tanya when she as a college student needed a time apart, a time to do some serious thinking. Where did she choose to go? To your house and you let her, even though you were still in Louisiana. Of course, she scared herself in the big woods, and your mom, Robin, took her in! You both have always had such a heart and interest in young people. All those years of working with them in church-related activities, all those mission trips, all those musical groups…what a gift you have given to untold youth! Ruth, I’ll never forget when you told me that you were pregnant and going to start a second family!! The look on your face was energetic and loving. What a mother! And you expanded your natural family with Rendie (sp?) and Jared. You encouraged all of them to grow up with sound Christian values, to stretch and follow their dreams, to be inclusive and loving with each other and to work at establishing fulfilling lives and marriages. Honestly, you have been and still are such fine role models of a loving husband and wife, two people as one. Your patience and commitment to each other and to your family and friends is a gift to us all. You continue to serve others….through teaching in college, through music, through church. But you have also made time to work at developing your gigantic acreage. I love to think of you on your 4-wheelers roaming the woods! There simply is not space to set down words that tell of our connections over the years, but you are still important in our lives, even though we go through long periods of not seeing one another. Ruth, I’ve always anticipated getting to talk over things that are important to me or concerning me. Every time you have welcomed my thoughts and at times been able to give me just the wise response that made things even better. When crushing events have come into your lives, you cared enough to let me know, so that I could be a part of even the sadness in your lives. I am everlastingly grateful to God for bringing us together to be friends over most of the decades of our lives. And to think you traveled all those many, many miles to Arizona just last month to help us celebrate our 50th! Dennis says, “Amen”! Twyla Wright
The website is a pleasure to view. When we look at the photos and read the information, its as if we are visiting home. We know what it's like on site and this website is a direct correlation of the cozy welcome feeling in or around this family's home. Great job Kevin! Your design is perfect. Joseph & Tammy Vanderpool
Robin and Ruth, we are sorry that we did not make it to share your day. We had unexpected company. Hope your day is wonderful as I know it will be. We will always have fond memories of our acquaintance and Robin's time directing the choir. May God bless you with many more years together.
I forgot to include our name in the previous message. Jerry and Bonnie Jones
Robin and Ruth, Wow, what an inspirational afternoon I got to spend with you and more than 100 of your other friends. Your children did a wonderful job of planning and orchestrating the event but what was so inspirational was the respect and honor given you two by so many. I am a romantic through and through, so your devotion to one another tugged at my heart strings. And Robin, your assessment of that first kiss as titallating immediately took me back to that first kiss with my bride and best friend Karin. Thank you for all you have done for the Lord in so many communities and churches and groups. We are honored to call you friend. Mike and Karin Nabors
Some of the attendees of today's celebration may not have known that the 2 greatest jambalaya cooks in the world were there -- Rena Mancil and Robin Moore...thank you Robin and Ruth for the many times you have invited us up for good food and your wonderful company! Robin- Thank you for having Rena sing so often when we joined the choir at First Christian Church in Harrison.It was a spectacular group with MANY outstanding, and talented singers. Rena had not sung many solos previously. You gave her many solo lines and specials -- that boosted her confidence. She leads music in a service today--and I attribute it in large part to you. Ruth- Thank you for your words of wisdom regarding Blake. Your insights to his school/homework problems did lead to a diagnosis and he is now a successful student. Our family will forever be thankful to you for your sage advice. ---- thank you both for your friendship over the years and for giving Rena rides back to Denham Springs. Rena wanted to tell your celebrants that Robin is softening in his old age...he has stopped to let her 'potty' with less than an hour left to go! Mark Mancil
hi my name is sarah chandler.i wanted to tell you this at the party but im not very good at speaking in front of large crowds. i know that we dont know a lot about each other, but i wanted to thank you for the part that youve played in my parents lives. they are the most wonderful people that ive ever beeen in contact with, and i wouldnt be who i am today if you hadnt helped in raising them to be who they are today. and i wanted to thank you. i also wanted to thank you for heidi. she was a wonderful person and the best friend anyone could have. though i know she is in a better place, i think she would have loved to have been there this weekend. she talked a lot about you, and i feel that i know you through her. so thanks, for everything. Sarah
I was hoping to make it to your 'big event' but since that didn't turn out, I am glad to read from others comments that it was a success, as if I doubted it would be. My memories of Mrs. Ruth & Mr. Robin go wayyy back too. I remember babysitting for Kevin, Diane & Laura..gosh late 60's...Hebron Church never had anything hit with such a storm as the Moore family & their love for us kids! My DSHS annual from 1970 has a note from Mrs. Ruth that I have laughed with my kids in reading over the years, it says that in 20 years you want to sit with me & look at this book & laugh at the clothes we wore then....those were the days. I also remember telling you both when I decided to get married....not a happy time for ya'll, I promised to sit & talk with Brother Lucas & pray long & hard at getting married at just 16...but you will be happy to know 36+ years, 2 kids & 3 grandkids later we are still grwoing old together. My family says God knew this man was meant for me, that no one else would have ever put up with me! In any case, I am thankful. My grandmother (Mamee)Bernice Quine always called me with "Moore family" updates after we moved to Arkansas in 1980. My mother (Kathryn Smith) finally moved to Arkansas too, however there are still lots of family in DS & it will be considered as 'home' to Morris & I forever. Thanks to you both for being such a memorable part of my youth, you were both truly a blessing to me & many many many more! Best wishes for many many more years! Love, Debbie (Wimberly) & Morris Stewart
"The Canyons (That's What It Looks Like)" For Robin and Ruth Moore Words by A. Davis, L. Davis Music by A. Davis Copyright 2007 Really Complicated Music the boy learned a thing about love standing on the porch where the first kiss came from first taste of chemistry ruby hill parking in the old dodge pickup he didn't have a ring but he sure had a mind to named their kids before they got out of high school didn't have much, just a dream and a car and a map of the bible Chorus: whoa---that kind of love you wanna whoa---go paint a picture of it whoa---it's hard to find in this day in time their kinda love----make up a song about it whoa---teach your children it's what you want ...that's what it looks like maybe one time, money got tight he worked to the bone, came home with his head down with her hand on his back and her hand on his face she whispered "it will be ok" to her boy scout she was like freedom and he was like a soldier fighting for her love and every day told her watching their kids and the house that they built get another year older Bridge: grows so strong over time seeds turn into a treeline gets better like a fine red wine love steady as the morning sun runs deep as the canyons two people are better as one two people are better as one