Attendees Planning to Come

(Please check back periodically for updates)

Dr. & Mrs. Robin Moore

Kevin Moore, his wife Tammy, their children Joshua and Julia, and Lauren (Joshua's girlfriend)

Laura Moore Wiley, her husband Jerome, Laura's daughter Lacey Campbell, and her children, Wylie and Marissa

Diane Moore Hartlerode, her husband Wayne, and their children Heather, Wayne Robin, and Joel

Branton Moore and his wife Sarah

Jared Moore

Rindy Manuel

Bill Moore

Dennis and Ellen Moore

Char Moore

Mr & Mrs Joey Vanderpool and Trudy

Mr John Vanderpool and Skyler

Ms Elizabeth Moore

Ms Hazel Evans

LuAnn Davis

Emily Davis
Andy Davis and girlfriend Christina

Ms. Lucinda Crow

Steve Holmes

Francis & Bobby Whiddon

Homer & Betty Juban

Mr & Mrs George Payne
Mr Claude Langham and guest
Mr & Mrs Lynn Mayo and Scott

Mr & Mrs Bill Howerton and family

Mr & Mrs Ken Hawkins

Mr & Mrs Claude Williams

Ms Eul Dean Clark

Mr & Mrs John Warren

Mr & Mrs Robin Dale and family

Stacy Richardson Prine

Dr & Mrs Charles Adair

Charlene Clark

Mr & Mrs Terry Clark

Mr & Mrs Bill Cochrane

Mr & Mrs Wendall Gibson

Mr & Mrs Wayne A Hartlerode

Sarah Hartlerode

Mr & Mrs Nelson Jackson

Mr & Mrs Jerry Jones

Mr & Mrs Jay Lawrence

Mr & Mrs Meredith Miller

Mr & MrsGlen Sattler

Nina Pitts

Mr & Mrs Utah Villines

Mr & Mrs Jerry Wheaton

Mr Wooley Woolsten

Sheri and Brian Ledet, Evan and Emma

Brenda Aime

Sharon Guitreau

Mrs. Earline Hughes

Mr & Mrs Steve Gallagher

Mr & Mrs John Sagers Sr

Buddy & Mary Thompson

Charles & Marlene Thompson

Johnette Childers

LaDonna Childers

Ms Peggy Poche

Machelle Garcia

Mr & Mrs Brent Watson

Mr & Mrs Jim Reed

Mrs Sandra McGraw

Becky Poor

Mandy Daniels

Beth Dale

Sue Ann Andrews

Denise Lowe

Tim & Joan McElderry

Mr Roy Ezell

Mr & Mrs Hillard Villines

Katie LaCarbo, Yvette, Stephanie, and Sharmaine

Mr & Mrs Bradley Harris and family

Mr & Mrs Doug Chandler and family

Mr & Mrs Jim Stevenson

Ms Polly Jenkins

Mr & Mrs Johnny Lucas

Mrs Margo Lucas

Mr & Mrs Jimmy Bell and Family

Mr & Mrs Wayne Crotwell and Family

Mr & Mrs Wendell Hood and Family

Mr & Mrs Larry Morris

Mr & Mrs Robert  Miller

Mr & Mrs Randy Newman

Mr & Mrs Mark Mancil and Blake

Mr & Mrs Billy Smith

Mr & Mrs Jack Wyatt

Mr & Mrs Kelly West

Nathan Edwards

Mathhew Edwards

Mr & Mrs John Paul Warren and Family

Mr & Mrs Dennis Wright

Fan & Olen Crow

Butch and Tootsie Myers
Kenny and Janet Crow
Margaret and Raymond Hood
Michael and Sandra Wiley
Dedra Wiley
Theresa Broussard, Husband and kids
Richard Gary and possibly David and Mrs Hilma
Gail Hall and 3 girls
Kandi (Hall) and Jordan Broyles
Brett and Holligh Crow
Darlene and Chad Abbott
Martin and Joumana Dale